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Both 30ml bottles. We suggest that you detox for 14 days first then start on the Autism oil. Both are applied to the feet or naval.



Our product works like essential oils. It is absorbed through the skin into the bloodstream.


Detox Suggested Use:


  • Apply to the soles of the feet or naval.  
  • Infant to 1 yrs. Apply one drop on each foot.  
  • 2 yrs. to 12 yrs. apply 2 drops on one foot.
  • 13 yrs. to adults use 4 drops on either foot or you may apply the drops to the navel and  surrounding area. (Preferably to the soles of the foot.)


Rub in gently but thoroughly.


Autism Suggested Use:


  • Apply to the soles of the feet or naval.
  • Infancy to 2 yrs. 1 drop to one foot.
  • Age 3 yr. to 12 yrs. 3 drops to one foot.
  • 13 yrs. to Adult 3 drops to the foot  3 in the morning and 3 at night.
  • Rub in gently but thoroughly.


Rating is 5.0 out of five stars based on 1 review
SKU: 0006
  • Our product works like essential oils. It is absorbed through the skin into the bloodstream.


    This can be applied at night on the soles of each foot or navel before bed and if required for a deeper detox, Arii detox can be used in the morning after a shower.

    (Please note that results vary from individual to individual, and user discernment is required


Rated 5 out of 5 stars.
Based on 1 review
1 review

  • NeoDec 02, 2024
    Rated 5 out of 5 stars.